The Balance...

The Balance...
Male and Female

I don't know if you have noticed but there are lot's of imbalances all around us. The unbalance between male and female energies are one of them. This is a major issue cause as it were women used to take care of the home whilst the men provided for the home to be sustainable. You could actually live off one salary with ease many years ago. But something happened the women was lured to work outside the home in order to be "independent"!

Now she did not only work outside the home but at home as well!? Talk about trap. Now don't get me wrong I have no quarell with women working but lets face it. The modern home today is full of stress due to this. The roles are flimsy at best between men and woman in an household today.

It seems like almost nobody is seeing this imbalance. It is normal that people get divorced and try it all over again and again still not being happy due to the artificial created imbalance in homes. This is stressing out families. There is light in the end of the tunnel though cause I see more and more people being aware of this imbalance thus making arrangements and seeking help to rectify this error.

Traditional family values are destroyed throught the western hemisphere in order to split families. But is this intentionally or just a side effect of modernization of our society? No wonder people stay single these days cause they do not dare to fall into the hamster wheel pit again.

One way of fixing this is to be aware of the problem and show others how it is done meaning leading by example. I have stumbled across multiple women who are seeing this and actually helping their sisters with this issue. I have not seen too many men helping there brothers with the same issue though.

A man wants peace and acknowledgement in a relationship and a woman wants most of all feel secure. But with todays dating culture of swiping it is not easy to walk straight.

It feels like our whole society has to unlearn a bunch of things in order to get on the right track again. Do you agree?