Turmoil, chaos and peace..

Turmoil, chaos and peace..

As humanity stand today you can't miss the changes happening even if you want to bury you head in the sand. The old system keeps putting "wrenches" in peoples lives ramping it up by the day as it seems. There is almost always a work around though.

The middle east is on fire again, the US is still spending wast amount of money abroad instead of tending to their own house. It's beyond sanity. The US has a debt that increases by the billions of dollars every week but nobody seems to care. In Europe there is a proxy war going on with hundred of thousands dying for no reason.

China is out competing the US and the West. The Brittish Empire morphed over to the young nation of USA and crumbled. Now it is the US turn. There are 48+ MILLION poor people in the US that barely have food stamps let that sink in. The authorities are now cracking down on students in the same way as the J6 event. If any other country would have done this the MSM would have been all over it condemning it.

The petro dollar is dying fast and with it the EU and NATO will die. There are so many lies that are uncovered this year so it is amazing. It will get worse before it gets better but humanity is waking up and humanity is fed up with the establishment.