Timeline shifts...

Timeline shifts...
Something New and something Old...

Time seems to have been speeding up, weeks fly by faster then ever before. There is talk about timeline shifts occuring right now. How is it shown in your life? Are people fading out of your life? They are in my life, but then they always have.

The difference is that today I conscious about them leaving. One day they are there the next they are gone. I think these things will just increase as we go further into this year of 8 - 2024. New opportunities are coming along while others are vanishing.

This journey is very individual but also collective in another sense. How is your dream pattern, or your sleep, or your food taste? Are you spontaniously ill at times? It feels like our reality as we know it is gearing up for something that we can't explain.

Evident is that the chaos we see will only increase so... KEEP CALM.. and keep loving each other.