Tower moments...

Tower moments...

Many people including myself have experiences or are experiencing so called tower moments in life. In my view this means that we go through tough things that we have deal with.

"The Tower Tarot card represents chaos and destruction. It is the Major Arcana card of sudden upheaval and unexpected change. This change usually is scary, life changing and often unavoidable. A negative Tower event can be akin to a bomb going off in your life."

This is a general description of the tower card what is not mentioned is that these things often have to happen in order to birth something new. Yes they can be scary and as you are sifting through the issues it is often hard to see the "light" in the end of the tunnel. But in hinsight of these things I understand why the happened.

Just in the thick of them it feels like they are happening to me but afterwards I understand them and actually feel greatful for them. It is often then I realize that they happened for me and not to me.

I think humanity as a collective work in a similar way, this means that we have to experience things that are tower moments as well. I confident that we are moving close to experiencing moments like this collectively within a couple of years.

Just remember these things are happening for us and not to us. We don't die but we may transition this world to go on somewhere else.

Keep calm you've got this.