

I've been reading Sophia Loves work for years and also been in communication with her over the same period. Last year she started a new project called "Straight Talk" were she had people asking question and the entity ONE answering the questions. I was fortunate to be one of the ones that had my questions answered.

It connected alot of dots for me, yes we have all answers within us but still through our human experience we want confirmation of things. See video below.

"Thanks for watching “Straight Talk” with Sophia (and One).

Here’s how to participate:
Post a question in the comments section of the “Straight Talk” blog, found on,
click the “blogs” drop-down link to find it!

When your question is chosen to be answered, I'll respond to it with further instructions so be sure to check the "notify me of further responses to this comment" when you do!

We'll then schedule a Zoom call (audio only) to explore your question. I'll consult with One before we speak, so we'll all be in on the conversation!
There will be a question chosen every other week when possible.

Questions can have anything to do with the process we are diving into right now; why do you feel this way or that way? What does this mean? How should you proceed? How do you interpret _____? Things of that nature, daily life sort of stuff.

We are blazing trails that have not been trodden before, and with this series, we hope to leave some landmarks and road signs for future travelers!

Each conversation will then be shared in a video that will be posted on the blog page, and right here on YouTube.

Thanks for being here!
Be sure to subscribe to catch all of the episodes!

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Other places where you’ll find me:
Twitter: @SophiaLove_edu
   / sophialovequest

Thank you for all that you are!
Please subscribe, like, and share!

©2011-2023 Sophia Love. All Rights Reserved."