Timeline jumps...

Timeline jumps...

I don't know if you have noticed but there has been a huge Timeline jump recently in fact it happened last week Friday the 19th. It was so in my face so I could not ignore it. A couple of months back I got that Trump would be taken out later this year. Someone tried to push this timeline through with him getting killed. Just check out Bidens bullseye comment and Victoria Nulands comment about Trump and you get the gist of it. This is only few of the comments from the narrators there are plenty more in the same venue.

Altough getting this info already months prior to the attempt on Trumps life I could not see that timeline cause it would mean havoc on Earth. I told myself that NO not on my timeline.

It's not strange that this happened cause just watch our history. Lincoln, JFK, Reagan and now Trump all have one thing in common. They went against the establishment which means they rocked the boat of power. There are more examples similar to this such as Lumumba and Gaddafi who were eliminated cause the stood up to the old guards. No things you've supposed to know about Gaddafi is not true he wanted to create an African dollar. With the resources Africa has it would be no-brainer and Africa would thrive. Now you know why the old guards hate Putin so much cause he sees through the satanic rituals and the hypocrits in the West.

In the old World someone always winns on the expense of someone else. This is not where we are going. We are going to a new place were we create what we need without anybody suffering in the process. This place is right here on Earth and one of the main reasons why we are here.

There is discussions about that the White Hats are in control and that the Trump assassination attempt is staged or that there was divine intervention preventing Trump to leave his body cause he is protected. This is however not important cause he is still around which is the main point.

The global financial system is crumbling whether you like it or not. In my view NESARA/GESARA will NOT hand out cash to people like Christmas Gifts. It really makes no sense if we are to evolve and create NEW EARTH. Information about NESARA/GESARA has been around for 10 plus years and I think there is a great misconception about it out there which is very confusing for people. If there is confusion involved you should know by now that something is fishy and does not add up.

I think that blockchain systems are going to replace the current financial system. The SWIFT system is dying and it suicided itself by leaving Russia out. This will only accalerate the death of the current reserve currency dollar system. As you probably have noticed by now everything the old guard do is coming back and biting them in their asses.

Gregg Braden in a poddcast Know Thyself talks about that blockchain mimics our DNA's way of storing information in our cells. Go to the 29:07 minute mark to hear him say it.

Where does great music actually come from? Where did blockchain come from?

BTC holdings 2024. Coincidence?

So be wise and make your choices in order to thrive I would bet my horse on blockchain, silver or gold. Yes you need to do some research cause there are 20.000 crypto currencies out there. Go for the ones with years of experience and research their respective eco-system. If you need help I'm happy to assist.

And yes we are on a NEW TIMELINE. <3

We are moving from the land of confusion to the land of knowing. You've got this remember.