People on top of train cars "dying"...?

People on top of train cars "dying"...?
People on top of train cars?

I have a lot of dreams these days, probably not more then usual but I remember them in ways I used to back in 2012, this is kinda new. This means that they are very vivid and alive.

Last night I dreamt about people on top of train cars dying from the electrical wires above the trains.

After people "died" they morphed into transparent heart shapes with black smokey edges around them with a lush green background??

All of them went through the same process. It was not only one person doing this but at least 5 or more. This was really strange. I have a very strong feeling I need to share it.

I dived into this message and I got the following.

There is a reason this message came through at this time. Just look around you the world is spinning faster and faster getting more "insane" by the day. The notion of death has never rubbed me the right way since I was a child. I somehow new that death does not exist in the way we are taught. We are eternal souls.

The train represents the journey we are on which will never stop. No matter how we are transitioning to the other side we always end up in LOVE which ultimately is where we came from. Many will choose to leave and continue in another dimension thus opt out of this one. This is nothing to be afraid of altough it might feel overwhelming.

Be gentle on your selves and your loved ones... always.. <3


I stumbled on this video from Magenta Pixie and I think it speaks about above to some extent. Not everyone will get the memo this time meaning they will not get what is happening and what has happened to humanity for eons. It has actually not happened to humanity but for us. Some will be so out of it so they'll choose to leave the scene...

Magenta speaks of her dream about The Great Awakening on the Big Screen.