Government changes....

Government changes....
Governance needs to change....

There are off course reasons why the world looks as it does today, but let me pinpoint one thing that is really evident of needing to change. We generally don't like changes but we as a race are very good at adapting to changes.

The World is changing rapidly in front of our eyes, the old hedgemony does not fly anymore which is really evident. There is one superpower in the world that has overreached it self extensively and that is the US. With the petrodollar dying the rather young nation does not know what to do? It is supposed to be the champion of democracy and valor.

But you can't shove democracy down the throats of other nations. Ask Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya .. I think they would agree. Instead the US is the bully in the class with it's proxy wars all over the world and their constant support of Israel with their genocide of the Palestinians.

It is rather evident that the Wests political systems are not working. There are several reasons for it off course but I think the main reason is that there is no long term planning within countries political systems. This is the curse of indirect democracy and short election cycles along with life long political careers where the policymakers get further and further from reality.

How is anything supposed to work long term with constant changes in leadership and policies. If this was not enough often the different sides are from the same coin meaning that the elites get more and the pesants get less. This in a world full of abundance that is heavily mismanaged.

I am not particular fond of China but I am impressed with their and Russias long term planning. BRICS is growing fast as is their development of their own payment systems. The most successfull countries have nationalized key areas that benefit the people.

Hitler did a lot of nasty things I know but he also did get rid of interest rates which allowed Germany to be re-built in 6 YEARS! Interest rates are killing economies fast just look at the US debt. If you nationalize Banks you can kill the interest rates just like that meaning letting small business flourish, but nobody in the West is doing this. It is the small business that drive the economic not the huge corporations.